Weebly Booster Tip #6: Reduce Customer Risk Equal to More Sales for You

July 6, 2017

Reducing the Customer Risk.
Less Pain for Them, More Sales for You…

Not everyone has a pleasant experience buying online, this makes many customers wary of online stores, products, and services.

Businesses that successfully remove risks for customers outperform their competitors.

The more risk-free your website looks, the more comfortable the customers are to buy from your store, the more you earn.

Removing the Risk by Offering Guarantee

So how do you do that? How do you make sure customers find your store, products and experience trustworthy and comfortable?

To begin with, one of the most useful ways to remove risk is to offer a Guarantee.

How to craft a guarantee that persuades people to buy.

Guarantee speaks a lot about your credibility and builds the trust of your customers. But a lot depends on how you present your guarantees to your customers. When writing a guarantee, take care of the following steps:

  • Time period for the validity of the offer is important. It may vary according to the product and service but a year is the most common time period. The longer the guarantee period, the less likely you are to get returns. This is because people think they have ages to return and then forget.
  • Make sure to make it clear that returns process is hassle free.
  • Add a name to your guarantee.
  • Work on the reasons and benefits you offer to your customers to buy from you. Reinforce both in your guarantee. Tell them why it is beneficial for them to buy from you.
  • Add personalized tone to your content.
  • Make sure the content also sells your Unique Selling Preposition.
  • Make sure there are no ifs and buts.
  • The content must include power phrases.
  • Make it clear the refund will be immediate.
  • The placement of your guarantee is very important. We already discussed the benefits of site-wide benefit bar, which makes a good place for a guarantee. Make sure it is mentioned throughout the checkout funnel and under the call-to-action button.

All in all, a powerful guarantee not only reduces the risks for customers but if written, placed and used right, it can lure more customers and have a significant effect on your profits.


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